Are you excited to take the next step in your speculative fiction journey? No, not an actual trip to space, time travel, or forging your own sword—joining us for Realm Makers 2021!
This year’s annual writers conference breaks new ground, because we’ll be offering the event in-person in St. Louis and LIVE online. So even if you’re not ready to travel in July, you can still see the teaching in real time. Laugh together with the jokes. Ask your questions by raising your hand or typing them into Crowdcast. Cross your fingers as your favorite authors wait to hear who won this year’s Realm Awards.
As an added bonus, both in-person and online attendees get access to replays of every class, so this year, you don’t have to miss anything, just decide when you’re going to watch the classes you didn’t select at the time they ran. (No extra expense or time spent waiting for conference audio!)
For a long while, we’d been hemming and hawing over how to offer an online version of Realm Makers, and the pandemic pushed us over the lip into the waters of simulcasting. We’re thrilled to be able to share the conference with you in both formats this year. Speaking of the pandemic, as of this writing, there are still hotel capacity restrictions in place in St. Louis, and the Sheraton Westport Chalet is observing masking and social distancing protocols. What that means is something very important…
The in-person Realm Makers conference will have a ticket cap. Yes, that means it’s going to sell out. Lord willing, the capacity restrictions will lift before July and we’ll be able to add more seats, but the current fact of the matter is, if you don’t register early, you will have to join the waiting list. (Waiting list registrants don’t pay until we can move you to the attendee list.)
But what if the restrictions don’t loosen and allow us to include those on the waiting list? Wait-listed registrants will have the option to attend online. Most of our acquisitions editors and agents in attendance this year are willing to take virtual appointments, so don’t worry, if you can’t come to St. Louis, you’ll still be able to pitch your latest manuscripts to industry professionals looking for the next great wave of speculative fiction.
There’s a lot to look forward to in 2021, at least as far as Realm Makers is concerned. So plan to join us and hear from Christian speculative fiction icon Frank Peretti, as well as a host of other seasoned teachers who are preparing practical and challenging material that applies specifically to you.

Discover all the conference details at, and on February 1st, jump in and register! We hope to see there.
We will also be hosting a LIVE Q&A on Realm Makers’ Crowdcast channel on February 1st at 9 pm EDT. Details to follow.