New Releases: November

Looking for your next read? Why don’t you try one of these November new releases from our members?

Princess Mairead longs to be ordinary and for love. But the Prince of Lochlann wants more than her love, he wants to strip her magic.
One missing dad. One stolen gemstone. Two young detectives on a mission to find the true meaning of family.
Jake and Ava always carry their time travel keys. But the day they need to rescue their little cousin from a fierce and hungry dragon, their pockets are empty.
What would happen if you were magically transported into a miniature Christmas village?
Quakes isolate Devron's underground homeland, threatening starvation. He holds the only solution—and it’s terrifying.
It is the age of kings. The great evil sleeps, yet trouble roils. Treachery, greed and ambition threaten the crown. A Kingdom hangs in the balance.
Commander Tauran didn’t travel from the 26th century to kidnap Jesus, but he will if that’s what it takes to save his mutant son.
Writers face many challenges. Come explore Biblical approaches to those struggles.

Congratulations, Members! Keep up the great work!!

Readers: Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think? If not, which one interests you most, and why?

*Become a Published Member or higher to have your new releases featured.

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