New Releases: May

Looking for your next read? Why don’t you try one of these May new releases from our members?

Garth, Bern, and Ne-tel seek the prophesied savior, who will free Telba from evil.
Donovan sold his soul for a spell and lost his memory, but who doesn't love a chance to reinvent themselves?
They were trapped on an alien planet. What they found was beyond belief.
Only the purest heart, a dragon’s heart, can save them now.
Revenge is a dish best served in space.
I’m lucky, all right. But my luck is all bad.

Congratulations, Members! Keep up the great work!!

Readers: Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think? If not, which one interests you most, and why?

*Become a Published Member or higher to have your new releases featured.

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