When you plan to pitch your manuscript to an agent or editor, it's always important to make sure you know what they are currently looking for. It's never a bad idea to check their website. We will post information here as it becomes available about what the professionals in attendance at the annual writers conference are looking to acquire. Good luck!

Donald Maass Literary Agency

Acquiring fiction in all categories.

Baker Publishing Group, Jessica Sharpe

Not looking for hard science fiction or high fantasy, but open to novels set in our world with light fantastical elements. Examples: alternate history, magical realism, gentle/cozy fantasy, etc. Does not need to contain overt faith content or allegory, but should still be clean/closed-door. A romantic element is great but not required. Historical or contemporary setting. For examples of what we have published in this vein before, see Gabrielle Meyer, and Angela Bell. Not interested in spiritual warfare.

Penguin Random House Christian Publishing Group, Sarah Rubio

Children’s and YA books (ages 0 to 18); must be written by Christians but do not need to have overt Christian content; especially interested in MG and YA fantasy series.

Blackstone Publishing, Marilyn Kretzer

Acquiring romantasy, fantasy, thrillers

Talia Messina, Tyndale House Publishers

Talia has a passion for excellent writing and desires to acquire stories (board books, picture books, middle grade chapter books, devotions, or Bible storybooks) with a Christian worldview, spiritual themes, and unique storytelling elements.

Steve Laube Agency

Bestselling books and scrumptious donuts

Mountain Brook Fire, Tim Pietz

Mountain Brook Fire is currently seeking:
Fantasy (particularly YA fantasy)
(Anything speculative but horror, we will consider)

Queen Anne’s Lace Publishing, Rachel DiScipio Ketler

“We specialize in middle grade, poetry, and short story collections. At Queen Anne’s Lace Publishing, we believe in the inherent value of every person, and the beauty of the story they have to tell. We aim to empower underrepresented genres, writers, and characters, and to give everyone a chance to shine. We want our stories to reflect this belief. We are interested in middle grade and YA fantasy (We are seeking Middle-Grade fiction in the 20,000-50,000 word range) and children’s picture books (we prefer illustrated).”

Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, Kelsey Bowen

I am looking for fiction that could have either clear faith content or none at all (but is clean). While we like considering fiction that has elements of magical realism and suspense, we lean toward romantic genres for those titles and we do steer clear of most sci-fi and epic fantasy since we do not have a strong record of finding that reader in our market.

Quill and Flame Publishers, AJ Skelly

AJ Skelly is the founder and CEO of Quill & Flame Publishing House, a publisher of books that bring light. She will be accepting pitches for IGNITE, adult books focused on showcasing healthy romance at a PG-13 level or cleaner. She is currently open to any subgenre so long as there is a strong romance thread, but is particularly interested in romantasy or murder mysteries, and historical-based romance with fantasy elements. For EMBERLIGHT, Young Adult books, she’d like to see contemporary high school settings with or without fantastical elements. She would also consider dystopian or post-apocalyptic. For FIREBRAND books, she is interested in any of these subgenres, but FIREBRAND books must contain a vibrant, Evangelical faith thread. She is not acquiring space-themed books or middle grade at this time.