Sign up for appointments when you register for the conference! Appointment slots are first come, first served.

July 18-20, 2025 | Grand Rapids, MI

Which Industry Professionals Are Taking Appointments?

Pitch Appointments

Every registrant will be able to choose ONE pitch appointment at the time of registration. If appointment slots remain available in June, we will announce to all registrants when we open a second round of appointment sign ups.

When you select your appointments PLEASE note carefully whether the editor/agent is accepting virtual pitches. Some do not.

Steve Laube

Agent & Owner of the Steve Laube Agency
In Person Only

Bestselling books and scrumptious donuts.

Donald Maass

President of the Donald Maass Literary Agency
In Person Only

Acquiring fiction in all categories.

Sarah Rubio

Editor with Penguin Random House
In Person Only
  • Children’s and YA books (ages 0 to 18)
  • must be written by Christians but do not need to have overt Christian content
  • especially interested in MG and YA fantasy series.

Jessica Sharpe

Senior Acquisitions Editor
Baker Publishing Group
In Person and Online
  • Not looking for hard science fiction or high fantasy, but open to novels set in our world with light fantastical elements. Examples: alternate history, magical realism, gentle/cozy fantasy, etc.
  • Does not need to contain overt faith content or allegory, but should still be clean/closed-door.
  • A romantic element is great but not required.
  • Historical or contemporary setting. For examples of what we have published in this vein before, see Gabrielle Meyer, and Angela Bell.
  • Not interested in spiritual warfare.

Revell: Kelsey Bowen

In Person Only

Wish List

I am looking for fiction that could have either clear faith content or none at all (but is clean). While we like considering fiction that has elements of magical realism and suspense, we lean toward romantic genres for those titles and we do steer clear of most sci-fi and epic fantasy since we do not have a strong record of finding that reader in our market.

Tim Pietz

Acquisitions for Mountain Brook Fire
In Person Only

Mountain Brook Fire is currently seeking:

  • Fantasy (particularly YA fantasy)
  • Sci-fi
  • Dystopian
  • Superheroes
  • Steampunk
  • Anything speculative but horror, we will consider

Marylin Kretzer

Blackstone Publishing
In Person and Online

Acquiring romantasy, fantasy, thrillers

Katherine Easter

Acquisitions Editor
Harper Collins Publishing: ZonderKidz/Blink YA
In Person and Online

I’m acquiring Christian children’s books—everything from board books through YA—as well as some select general market middle grade and YA titles.

Descendant Publishing: Troy and Stacy Hooker

In Person and Online

Coming soon!

In the meantime, check out their submissions page on their website.

Queen Anne's Lace Publishing: Rachel DiScipio Ketler

Online only

“We specialize in middle grade, poetry, and short story collections. At Queen Anne’s Lace Publishing, we believe in the inherent value of every person, and the beauty of the story they have to tell. We aim to empower underrepresented genres, writers, and characters, and to give everyone a chance to shine. We want our stories to reflect this belief. We are interested in middle grade and YA fantasy (We are seeking Middle-Grade fiction in the 20,000-50,000 word range) and children’s picture books (we prefer illustrated).”

Expanse Books: Erin Howard

In Person Only

Coming soon!

In the meantime, check out their submissions page on their website.

Quill and Flame Publishers: AJ Skelly

In Person and Online

 IGNITE: adult books focused on showcasing healthy romance at a PG-13 level or cleaner. Any subgenre so long as there is a strong romance thread, but is particularly interested in romantasy or murder mysteries, and historical-based romance with fantasy elements.


 Contemporary high school settings with or without fantastical elements. dystopian or post-apocalyptic.


Must contain a vibrant, Evangelical faith thread. 

No space-themed books or MG

Quill and Flame: OBSIDIAN: L.G. McCary

In Person Only

Obsidian publishes dark, spooky, and spine-chilling fiction in a variety of settings:
Contemporary- supernatural, paranormal, clean horror 
Futuristic- science-gone-awry, post-apocalyptic, dystopian, cyberpunk, biopunk 
Fantasy- urban fantasy, gaslamp/steampunk, and dark fantasy NOT set in Medieval Europe
No epic fantasy, gory horror, or open-door romance. Any romance should serve as a side story, not the central plot.

Mentoring and Paid Critiques

Every registrant will be able to choose ONE mentor appointment at the time of registration. If mentor slots remain available in June, we will announce to all registrants that they may choose a second appointment. 

***Please note: schedules for appointments fill up fast. The registration form will indicate the current availability for mentors and critiques.***

Brent Weeks: Bestselling Author of The Night Angel Trilogy, The Kylar Chronicles, and The Lightbringer Series (Mentoring, In Person only)
Lisa Mangum: Managing Editor with Shadow Mountain Publishing (in person only, mentoring on pitching and query letters)
H.L. Burke: Story Doctor, Worldbuilding, Brainstorming, Platform Building (Mentoring Only)
Ronie Kendig: Bestselling author of thrillers and speculative fiction
Bradley Caffee: Manuscript Planning, Encouragement, Goal Setting, Pitch Coaching (Mentoring, In Person Only)
Stephanie Dooley: Novel and Short Story Coaching
Lauren Brandenburg: Writing Multiple Genres, Hand Selling Books, Encouragement, Life/Writing Balance (In Person Only)
Ralene Burke: Time Management, Networking, Platform Building, Overcoming Obstacles (Online Only)
Janeen Ippolito: Marketing, Branding, Pitch Coaching (In Person Only)
JJ Johnson: Middle Grade, Substack, Marketing, Writing as a Parent
Elisabeth Kitchens: Self Publishing, Editing, Brainstorming, Craft Issues (In Person Only)
Kerry Nietz: Worldbuilding, Character Creation, Next-Step Advice, Encouragement (Virtual Paid Critiques Only)
Steve Rzasa: Developmental Editing, Book Layout, Career Mentoring
Jenelle Schmidt: Self Publishing, Wriiting While Homeschooling, Networking, Dialogue
Kristen Stieffel: Professional Editor, Brainstorming, Publishing Path, Brainstorming
Andrew Winch: Line Editing, Flash Fiction, Career Planning, Marketing, Story Development (In Person Mentoring only)
Clint Hall: World Building, Podcasting, Traditional Publishing, Christian perseverence
Karyne Norton: Kickstarter, Marketing, and Podcasting (In Person Only)
Trissina Kear: Social Media Marketing (In Person Only)
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