The Interactive Storytelling contests judge interactive stories and branching narratives by Christian creators. These are two new and unique opportunities for creators to showcase their interactive narrative skills.
Submission Details:

Open Date: March 1st

Closing Date: April 15th

Entry Fee: $49

Winners Announced: Realm Makers Conference Awards Banquet, Friday, July 18, 2025 – the submitter of the winning entry will receive a hand-made, one-of-a-kind glass art piece by renowned artist Leah Nietz.


Two Available Submission Categories

Category 1: Text Submission
The first category is limited to text-only experiences or adaptations and should be limited to roughly 10,000 words. Submissions must be acessible for evaluation in a standard web-browser. 
You will be able to submit via a URL for the sake of judging the gameplay and writing quality. Consider using Ink or Twine as free and easy to use engines for this type of work.
(Here’s and example:

Category 2: Video Submission

The second category allows for a more complete game experiecne but still primarily focuses on the writing. Submissions must come in the form of a video link (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) including any password if needed. Submissons should be limited to approximately 30min of gameplay.

Both categories are limited to games/products released between January 1, 2021 and the contest closing date of April 15th, 2025"

Judging Criteria

Entries will be scored on a 1-5 scale across the following areas:
  • Overall Story – Is the story engaging? Does it pull the reader along? Does it present fresh ideas, compelling stakes, and tension throughout?
  • Worldbuilding – Is the setting unique and fitting for the genre? Are the world-building elements consistent and clear to the user?
  • Writing Artistry – How effective is the narrative voice? Is the pacing well-balanced? Are the details revealed in a way that feels natural to the tone?
  • Interactivity – How well does the experience balance interactivity? More isn’t necessarily better, but how well is it incorporated into the story?
  • Quality of Choices – Do the choices meaningfully alter the experience or its outcome?

Become a Judge! Would you rather read all the entries instead of submitting? We’re actively seeking judges for this category! Whether you’re a game maker or an avid fan, if you know great content when you see it, we’d love for you to bring your perspective to the table.