Have you always dreamed of being an Award-Winning Author?

Now's your chance!!!

Enter the Realm Awards, Honoring Christian Creators of Fantastical Stories

We kindly request you read the entire information on this page, the rules and regulations, and category information pages prior to beginning your submission. If you have read all pages and the FAQ but still have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at awards@realmmakers.com. 

The submission period is now closed. Stay tuned for updates.

Scroll down to learn the steps to enter your work 

Check out the amazing benefits of being a Realm Award winner

  • An opportunity to accept the award at a live presentation–the annual Realm Awards Gala
  • An original, handmade glass Realm Award made by Leah Nietz
  • Sales opportunities. We add winning projects to the Realm Award Winners feature case at Bookish, the brick-and-mortar independent bookstore in King of Prussia, PA
  • Winners may be invited to join the Realm Makers Bookstore at various events, such as homeschool conferences, to hand-sell their work and meet new audience members.
  • A supply of gold Realm Award stickers for novel winners, with replenishment available
  • Mention of your project in our press release announcing the Realm Award Winners to publishing industry outlets
  • Podcast promotion, such as an appearance on the Avid Readers of Christian Fiction podcast

Do you make great graphic novels, comics, or interactive media?

Enter the Realm Awards.

All comics published since 2021 are eligible!!!

Submission deadline extended to JANUARY 31, 2025!!!

Do you make great interactive stories and branching narratives?

Get details here

What kinds of books can enter?

  • ALL eligibility requirements can be found on THIS PAGE
  • Entries must be NEW RELEASES published/released in the previous calendar year.
  • We accept both traditionally and independently published works.
    • Independently published works have won many awards including 2024 Book of the Year (our highest award!)
  • Novel Categories accepted are : Fantasy, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Paranormal, Horror
  • Novel Age groups: Adult, YA, Middle Grade, or Young Reader accepted.
  • Length: Novel, Novelette, Novella, Short Story, Flash Fiction.
  • Audio: Full-length, Mid-length audio, and Short. Single or multiple narrators
  • A special category for debut authors and also for cover designers!


If you have entered the Realm Awards in previous years, the system is different this year. The new system will enable us to judge the entries in an accurate and efficient way that ensures the fairest possible contest we can offer.

STEP 1: To begin, any one wishing to submit to the contest will need to request access to the system.

STEP 2: You will receive an email to the address you provide in step 1 (it will take a few minutes and check your spam folders. The sender will be Bravura Flex.)


Access your submission account with the Author Portal Link and  password that arrives in this email. You will use this login to submit or change any entry to the awards. Once you have completed the information on the initial page, you will be able to start your awards submission. 

STEP 3: Create your submission

The interface will walk you thought a series of tabs that collect all the information we need for your work to be judged. For each category you wish to enter, you will create a new submission. A single novel may be entered into a genre, an audience, debut, and cover design at maximum. Short fiction and/or audio will be submitted according to length. Comics, graphic novels, and comic strips will be entered according to work type.

The system is currently accepting PDFs only for file types. Please have the PDF version of your work to upload.

You’ll be prompted to pay the submission fee ($49) at the end of the entry.

Submission fees for the Realm Awards help to offset the costs of administrating the contest, which includes the glass art awards given to winners, award seals, costs associated with the awards ceremony (venue, live streaming), software licensing and much more. Your participation in the Realm Awards helps ensure we can continue to serve our community of Christian authors.

Don't wait! Submissions close January 21!